Ram Navami 2020: Date, day, significance, rituals and puja timings As we know Rama Navami is observed as the birth anniversary of Lord Rama. This year Rama Navami festival falls on Thursday, April 2, 2020, four days before the Mahavir Jayanti. HAPPY RAM NAVAMI PICTURES Ram Navami is the festival of great importance for the people of the Hindu religion. It is celebrated on the ninth day of Chaitra month, the first month in the Hindu lunar calendar. It marks the culmination of the spring festival of Vasanta Navratri or Chaitra Navratri which begins on Ugadi. On this day many people conduct homa and conclude the nine days festivities of Chaitra Navratri, due which the festival is known as Ram Navami or Rama Navratri. Jai shree ram dj song Ram Navami 2020: Significance Ram Navami is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Rama, the descent of god Vishnu as Rama avatar, through his birth to King Dasharatha and Queen Kausalya in Ayod...
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